Pinterest and me.


Pinterest pin for identifying items for your Boards

Well are you sorted for christmas?  I am and have been for a while thanks to Pinterest. This wonderful site is an online shoppers creative outlet – its the equivalent of a Christmas market, without the hustle and bustle and Gluhwein; mmm I love Gluhwein maybe one trip to the Christmas market is in order – I can find one from a Pinterest board!!! In all other ways Pinterest has been perfect for planning my Christmas. I have my meals planned, which shops to buy from; parties planned with all the decorations and special items I want. I have found suggestions for all my presents. I have been looking and pinning presents on my christmas board for months now. So much better than lists and so much more fun. I can even do it on the train via my smartphone app, my nice spanking brand new Samsung S5 smartphone, thanks to ferratum UK. Mine decided it didnt like being dropped and I can’t live without one, so one short term loan later and I am a one very happy lady with an early Christmas present! Pinterest was co founded by Ben Silbermann, it has gone from 5,000 users in 2010 to over 70 million last year, 80% of the users are women, if you’d like more facts on Pinterest go look here. It has become a phenomenon of the internet. You can share anything from business plans to reindeer prints. I use Pinterest in preference to Delicious as I like to bookmark the pictures, it helps me visualise and remember better why I pinned it. I’ve already started to pin for next years holiday…


Xmas pin board from pinterest

Christmas Pin Board




One thought on “Pinterest and me.

  1. Hey that’s a pretty cool use of pinterest, would be nice to use it to show different craft decorations for the holidays as well like ornaments for the trees. I’ve also used ferratum and it was great for getting a quick loan. Have you seen any other holiday pinterest boards that actively display ornament decoration DIY recipes? Cheers


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